Entertaining and educational magic shows are always a big hit at libraries and schools across Ontario and Canada. Captain Corbin the magical pirate enjoys customizing his shows to add that educational aspect. Reading treasures is a pirate themed magic show with a lot of literacy based magic effects in the show. The pirate Captain Corbin uses his pirate magic book and gets the children involved in the show helping him. During the interactive pirate magic show Children’s entertainer Corbin has all kinds of fun with magic. Magic tricks that involve spelling, reading and literacy is the focus of the show and all the children learn that reading is a Treasure! Captain Corbin tells the children that books are just like treasure chests, when you open both you find the treasure inside. With books, the story inside is the treasure. All the children have a lot of fun and make memories that last a long, long time. Having Captain Corbin come to your school or library is a sure fire way to put a smile on every Childs face. During March Break 2019 Captain Corbin will be sailing to the Chatham-kent libraries to perform his Reading Treasures show for all the children there. I hope to see everyone at my Chatham library magic shows in March of 2019