Pirate Boat Cruises

I am Captain Corbin and I produce and perform some of the best Pirate Boat cruises ever. My Pirate themed boat cruises are family friendly, fun and full of magic. As a result, they are a blast for the whole family. Interactive and full of imagination, they are not just a cruise, they are a Pirate Adventure!

Pirate Boat Cruises Full of Fun

I have been performing all over North America as Captain Corbin the magical pirate for well over 25 years. As a result I’ve performed in many different venues and situations. Boat cruises started about 15 years ago with a request to entertain guests during a cruise out of Windsor Ontario. That was a lot of fun and I still remember it. I did a short show on the deck due to High winds and then went below deck to perform a show of close up magic. Shortly after that event I started working on a theatrical play of sorts that relied more on interacting with the guests and crew as a pirate. There was still a lot of magic in the show, but the presentation had a much bigger story and script. As a result I had a lot better show, and a great response. Instead of a magic show on a boat, it became a magical pirate adventure cruise!

A Magical Pirate Adventure Cruise

Since my beginnings the shows have become quite popular. Each presentation is carefully designed for the specific ship. I have been performing the Pirate boat cruises in Gravenhurst Ontario on the Whenona 2 for the last 12 years. Every Sunday throughout the summer, I take over the ship. And every year I present a completely different cruise. Therefore I’m always seeing the same faces year after year. They tell others and always post positive reviews. As a result there are always a lot of new faces as well.

Stony Lake Cruises

This year I will be performing my pirate boat cruises in Stony lake with the Stony lake cruise line. This is going to be a blast. A brand new ship with a brand new pirate adventure. It will be a lot of fun and tickets are available now.

If you would like a Pirate themed pirate boat cruise contact me today. I can provide a performance, or simply write a script for your staff and volunteers to present.

Contact Corbin today 1-855-626-7246

Pirate boat cruise, Pirate themed cruise, pirate magic


Pirate Festival entertainment family friendly & fun!

I am Captain Corbin the magical pirate and I love performing at Pirate Festivals all over North America. I have been a proffesiona performing pirate actor for well over 25 years. As a result I’ve become very skilled at entertaining in all kinds of events. Pirate festivals, fairs, pirate and princess parties, waterfront festivals and more. Captain Corbin’s shows are interactive, family friendly, magical and fun.

Family Friendly Pirate Festival Entertainment

I have performed at fairs and festivals across North America for many, many years. Although I perform at many different types of venues, I really enjoy the pirate festival. A pirate festival is it’s own special event with many different and unique entertainments. I really enjoy performing my pirate themed magic shows, but I’m often asked to do many other unique attractions.

Making pirate maps with the children is one of my favourite crafts. A big box of crayons and a pile of paper provides hours of fun. I have become quite skilled at drawing pirate maps and encouraging the children to do the same! When I perform at pirate festival I am usually there for the full day entertaining. My Magic shows are the highlight of the day, but between the shows, during my “free time” There is no way I am hiding in a dressing room, or backstage. I’m always out front, strolling through the festival entertaining. Drawing pirate maps, performing close up magic, and telling corny pirate jokes. I have a lot of fun. It’s a full day of entertainment. Therefore I can always be found in character and in costume somewhere. During hot summer events I often go through 3 or 4 pirate outfits.

Adding Captain Corbin to your pirate festival Pirate party or waterfront festival entertainment is a great way to add magic to your special event. There is only one Captain Corbin so availability is very limited.

Contact Corbin today 1-855-626-7246

pirate festival, waterfront festival entertainment


Birthday Party Ideas from a Party Pirate

Ahoy everyone, I am Captain Corbin the Magical Pirate. I’m a Party pirate as well with over 25 years experience performing at parties and celebrations all over North America. As a result I’ve got boatloads of Birthday party ideas to help make your special event a success.

Birthday Party Ideas that are Boatloads of fun

As Captain Corbin, I can provide excellent entertainment at big Birthday parties, small private events or a public affairs. A family friendly pirate themed magic show is a great way to put a smile on everyones face. A Birthday party ideas they will remember for a long time to come. Don’t forget to have a camera ready because there are lots of great photo opportunities in every show!

I have been performing pirate magic shows all over North America, Canada, and Ontario for a very long time. My shows are fun, interactive and magical. The children get involved in the show and become part of it. As a result, the experience is remembered for a long time. Each show is customized to be age appropriate to the children and perfect for the performance area. Indoors or outdoors, in a community center or a private home. Captain Corbin’s pirate themed magic show is a great Birthday party idea.

45 Minute show, over an hour of entertainment!

I show up to the venue at least 15-20 minutes before the show is scheduled to begin. When I arrive I am in full costume and ready to go. As a result the children never see me out of character and the magic spell begins as soon as I arrive. When I arrive on site I meet and greet all the children and set up the show. I bring everything required for a great show every time, this includes my pirate music, magic and tables. Therefore, nothing needs to be rented or prepared for my arrival. A bit of electricity and the spot to perform in is all I need. When the audience is larger then 50 guests a riser of some kind is appreciated. If an outdoor performance is requested, an alternate indoor area should be ready in case of inclement weather.

More information can be found on my website. Please visit www.CaptainCorbin.com or www.Charmingcheat.ca for more information

Availability is limited, contact me today 1-855-626-7246

Birthday party ideas, pirate magic, magic pirate, pirate show

Pirate birthday party ideas

Pirate birthday party ideas are often hard to come up with. Especially when you have to think about the invitations, cake, locations and more. Captain Corbin the magical pirate can make your birthday party a whole lot easier. With the magical Captain Birthdays are a blast!

Pirate Birthday Party ideas

A pirate and princess themed birthday can be a lot of fun. It often seems like a lot of work. However, With a little preparation your pirate party can look great as well. Make your child’s birthday one to remember for a long time.

 A great pirate invitation should look like a message from a pirate! Pick up some brown craft paper at the post office, or dollar store and tear it into  small note sized squares. (Pirates don’t use scissors!) you can age the paper a bit further by staining it with a bit of tea and putting it in the oven to dry. Scrawl yer pirate message across the paper, then roll it up and shove it into a cheap plastic bottle. Many bottles can be found at the dollar store. I recommend the plastic ones for children of course. Do up the messages and toss them in your sons backpack to share at school. Wrap a small tag around the neck of each bottle with the pirate or princess name on them so the bottles don’t end up in someone else’s treasure! (a few plastic gold coins or plastic jewels in the bottle really make them look great)


There be lots of pirate themed games you can find online. Great fun for a pirate party. some of my favorites involve walking the plank! Just put a large 6 foot long and very wide plank on the floor on top of some bricks. Get the children to walk across it balancing an egg on a spoon.  Another favourite game is of course a treasure hunt! Make up treasure maps of your location. Your house backyard or interior with a dotted line they must follow to find the treasure. To avoid the kids that jump ahead you can have the dotted line lead to another map that leads to another map that leads to the treasure. Or have no dotted line at all on the map and on the back side add a list of clues that they must follow.


To make your pirate birthday party ideas a success, bring in a real pirate to wow the kids! Captain Corbin the magical pirate has been performing at birthday party’s (and fairs, schools, libraries, etc) for well over 20 years. The Captain Corbin is highly skilled at entertaining children and taking all the stress out of a birthday party. Arriving early he will help out and play with the children while setting up an incredible magic show. There are a variety of shows available, but most last about 45min. Long and are very family friendly and fun. Having Captain Corbin at your birthday party is a sure fire way of putting a smile on everyones face

Contact him today. Availability is limited, there is only one Captain Corbin

pirate birthday party ideas, magic pirate, pirate magician, princess and pirate party

Make a wish with a magic pirate

I often perform with the make a wish organization as Captain Corbin the magic pirate. Make a wish with a magic pirate is a great match. The Make a wish foundation is an incredible organization that grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. The foundation is national and international with branches all over North America. The international foundation is the largest wish-granting organization in the world, making wishes come true for more than 450,000 children since 1980.

Make a wish fundraising events

Every year this wonderful organization holds many events to raise awareness and funds. I always try to be a part of as many events that I can. Some of my favourite events include the rappelling event. Every year they have people raise funds and rappel off of London’s tallest building. During the winter season in Port Stanley Ontario one family holds their own fundraiser inviting people to come to their home and look at the Christmas light display. The Port Stanley Christmas light display is incredible with thousands of lights and hundreds of decorations. Every year they raise a lot of money for the Make a wish group. You can help out at these events yourself. contact them today.

Make a wish with a magic pirate

As Captain Corbin I volunteer on a regular basis. I often bring my magic to the hospital when they have a wish day event. I have rappelled down the buildings and performed at their gala nights at Sunningdale golf club. Sunningdale is in London, making me a magician in London Ontario

The children really “light up” when they see a pirate marching around. I perform family friendly magic that gets the children really excited. The Make a wish Foundation is the only group I currently volunteer for. All my free time goes to them. If you have an event you would like to hire me for, or would like more information, please contact me today!

Make a wish, magic pirate, London Magician, children's entertainer

Pirate magician performs Tiki show

Ahoy all,

Yarr as a pirate magician, I really enjoy performing my pirate themed magic shows at schools, libraries and theatres all over North America. My shows are always very interactive and fun. Often I like to add an additional theme to my shows to mix it up and thrill the groups. Over the years I’ve performed shows with educational magic shows, with reading themes and winter themed pirate shows. I also like adding fun themes to my shows such as my Tiki themed pirate magic show. The tiki themed show I call Captain Corbin’s Tiki Troubles show. And I’ve created a whole storyline and plot to go along with the show. It’s not just a magic show, its a pirate adventure show, very similar to a Saturday morning children’s television show and the kids love it.

During the Tiki Troubles show, Captain Corbin the pirate magician shows the children a tiki statue he found on one of his troubles. The statue is supposed to Guard a treasure, but it also has a curse! The show progresses with the Captain trying to get the treasure on his own, but everything goes wrong. He realizes the curse happens when he tries to do things on his own, so he gets the children’s help. When Captain Corbin works together with his friends, he breaks the curse and the Tiki gives up his gold. It’s a great show with the message of working together!

This show is full of magic, and great props and decorations. The tiki statues look great and the stage is often set with tropical backgrounds and floral garlands. I even bring out a volcano! (it’s just a vertical fog machine, but it looks great!)

Once a year you can see me perform a short version of this show on stage at Storybook Gardens. The full show lasts apox. 45min. long, but at storybook gardens in London the show is slimed down to a 30min set.

and of course at the end of the show Captain Corbin shares all his tiki gold with the kids!


tiki, pirate, magic show, volcano

Magic pirate strolling close up magic show wandering pirate character Captain Corbin

A strolling magic show performance is a lot different from a magic and illusion show on stage. There is less work setting up the show, as with a strolling performance I’m ready as soon as I’m in costume. A stage show however is not better or worse then the strolling wandering magic show, it’s just different. A strolling magic show performance is perfect for events where there is a lot going on, the attendees are all over a wide area, there is no performance stage or many other reasons. Recently I performed my strolling pirate magic show in St. Thomas Ontario at the Joe thorton community centre arena.

A magic and illusion show may take over an hour to set up the show. preparing equipment, sound systems, curtains etc. A strolling performance is almost good to go as soon as I arrive. When I recently performed in St. Thomas I was able to walk right into the event and begin as soon as I marched in the doors. And I did march in. I marched in to pirate music! Before I arrived on sight I stopped nearby for lunch and was able to change into my pirate shirt. That allowed me to be able to quickly hop out of my vehicle and put on the accessories in the parking lot. My pirate sash, hat and baldric was all I needed. When I stroll around the event performing magic I like to have a table to travel with me to perform on. It’s not required, but it helps when I want to show more formal pieces of close up magic. After experimenting with a variety of smaller tables I decided authenticity counts and I now use a huge 60 gallon oak wine barrel on wheels! this thing is big and to see a pirate pushing around a huge barrel is quite a site. The barrel also has a door which allows me to fill it with my equipment and a small sound system. Something I would not be able to do with a smaller table. So in the parking lot of the Joe thorton community center I finish my costume, remove my barrel from the vehicle, turn on my sound system which plays nautical themed music and I push the unit up to and through the front doors making quite the entrance as a pirate with great background magic. After my grand entrance the performance begins and I wander around the room performing my incredible close up magic on top of my barrel and in the spectators hands. Strolling pirate magic makes a huge impression and creates fun memories that will last a very very long time!

Pirate magician, magic pirate, magic show